study skills: 8 Results found.


The part-time doctorate

This is an extract from a guest post on the Thriving Part-Time blog to highlight the experience of time and how to make the most of it as a part-time doctoral student.

LEGO® reflections in Higher Education

This is a guest post on the Advance HE website published after I had delivered a successful workshop at the HEA Annual Conference demonstrating how to use LEGO reflections in higher education.

Time management

A cyclical process of reading, writing and editing is only possible if you leave enough time. Time management is therefore one of the key skills to learn when entering University life. The easiest way to introduce effective time management is by preparing...

How to make writing more academic

In tutorials students often tell me that they are not confident regarding their writing skills and they ask me how to make writing more academic. Every University, every faculty and even departments will have their own philosophy relating to writing, so...

Teaching with artefacts

Artefacts can be used to get students interested in a lesson, but artefacts can do more than just represent an engaging hook. In this post I am discussing the use of artefacts in lessons based on questions that I have been asked in teacher training...